Since moving into a new house on the Gold coast I have been watching a lot of Fashion T.V. I have never had paid channels before so to me this is very exciting. Seriously, I have been glued to the T.V screen for countless hours documenting all that I love and sketching the beginnings of my first collection. The main aspect that is dominating the runways is FUR! You can’t get away from it. It is in every up and coming collection from Dolce & Gabbana to Chanel and soon, you will see it everywhere. I recently went into Forever New (a young woman’s fashion store) where they have faux fur vests, and it’s the middle of summer!
One bit of advice when adding a fur piece to your wardrobe is make sure it looks real. I don’t condone the killing of animals for fashion but if you don’t have it, fake it. Badly made fake fur I liken to a sheepskin my mother has on her couch. It is old and raggedy and pills like crazy. There is nothing lush about it. There is absolutely no point in following this trend if you’re not going to do it properly so invest in your fur jacket or scarf and look after it properly. Here are some examples on how to wear fur this coming winter.
Note: Fur bag in the centre!